Sunday, 13 March 2011

Main Room

Still frames taken from the Main Room sequence from the "Final Piece of the Puzzle" film. Similar to the Corridor sequence, spotlights and volume lights are used to create the dimly light atmosphere of the environment. By increasing the glow intensity of the television screen textures within the TVs, this makes them appear to be on, as well as emit a little bit of light.


Starting frame render of the Corridor sequence, everything is fully textured and lit through use of spotlights (positioned at light bulbs and vents in corridor roof) and volume lights (around each light bulb, creating reflects of the corridor walls).

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Small Project Expansion

I have chosen to make a small addition to my final year project, by making this addition I can demonstrate other effects throughout the environment, as well as adding to the tense and scary nature of discovering the main warehouse and mechanical traps. This corridor again includes models, such as barrels, bottles and wooden slacks, which will all be textured different, with the use of mental ray textures etc, to give similar shapes, their own individual appearance.

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Enviromental Modelling

These environmental shots, give a indication of claustrophobic, busy and unorganised nature of the abandoned warehouse, which this scene and film is set. This room consist of numerous models, from boxes, to wine bottles, to gas canisters, which are dotted around the room. With the duplication of the same model, there is always the worry of the rendered result not look realistic, as a result of over repetition. Both during an after the texture process, modifications will be made to give repeated models, there own identity and unique look.

Shotgun Modelling

 Again like the Main Trap shots, these screenshots of the Shotgun Model, give both a indication of attention to detail when modelling, as well as view of specific areas from unusual camera angles, which adds to the unpredictability and tension throughout scenes of the film. When texturing takes place, I will have to experiment with reflections and shadows, as the shotgun itself is stored within a glass box, that within the specific SAW film scene, throws unusual shadows and reflection around the small warehouse room. 

Main Trap Modelling

These screenshots taken from Maya, display the Main Trap fully modelled, with the overall view of the trap, as well two screenshots with the specific purpose of displaying the complexity of modelling, and attention to detail in specific areas.


With the concept sketches drawn up, I had the basis of which to work from and model different components of the scene. Whilst modelling throughout the Christmas Holidays, I continued to refer back to the film, as well as other visual influences, so the modelling would remain a realistic representation of what I wanted to achieve within the project. I had set myself a deadline of the beginning of  Autumn Term to have finished all modelling, so UV Mapping of everything could be done, during the first week of term.